If the words "street" and "food" seem unappetizing together, well... you have point there. My mom always told me not to eat anything that had been on the ground either. But "lunch trucks" don't exactly have the best reputation either. Let's just call it "curbside cuisine" and you'll have to trust me when I say that it is all the rage. As more and more American cities shake off the doldrums and once again become centers of commerce (and tourism), a new interest in fast, affordable, and healthy meal choices has arisen. And as the workforce draws more and more upon recent immigrants from countries where street food is part of the culture, aspiring entrepreneurs have capitalized on the demand. Imagine owning a restaurant that you could drive to wherever the customers are, and if times get really hard, one that you can sleep in too?!
Of course this is not a recent trend in places like New York City and the Greater Los Angeles area. Home to waves of immigrants (and their street flavors) for over a century, these mega-cities have had lunch trunks since... well, since there have been trucks. But tight economic times combined with a demand for better food choices have made this a golden area for big city street food. In NYC, don't miss Daisy May's Barbecue usually parked near Radio City Music Hall. You can rent a nearby timeshare and walk right to it. In the LA area, be sure to try Tere's Mexican Grill in Hollywood. You can get a timeshare in nearby Anaheim.
But even smaller cities are enjoying the boom times. Miami Beach is loaded with streetside Cuban fare that you are not likely to find anywhere outside of Havanna, and of course great timeshare resorts. If you go, try the Latin Burger and Taco Truck. And if think you might like to start a truck of your own, look up the folks at Food Cart USA while you are there. They've been making USDA-approved trucks in Miami since 1979. If you find yourself on the West Coast, try Spencer on the Go! out of San Francisco. They were rated the #1 Lunch Truck by GQ magazine, and the City by the Bay has several fine timeshare resorts to choose from. Feel like something with a Polynesian flair? Look no further than Marination in downtown Seattle. They've got everything from kimchi quesadillas to Korean short-rib tacos, and even a designated area for customer hula-hooping. Not sure about that last part, but hey, that's Seattle for you. From Austin to Milwaukee and Portland to Portsmouth, lunch trucks are popping up like mushrooms, and more and more urban centers are opening up to timeshare development. And they go together like peanut butter and... well... fried bananas frankly (don't knock it 'til you try it).
Well,I am off locate the CoolHaus truck in the Culver City neighborhood of LA. They specialize in artisinal ice cream sandwiches in edible wrappers. That's right, the wrapper is made from potato and is imprinted with soy inks. So when you've finished your brown butter with candied bacon or wasabi ice cream (not kidding), you knock back the wrapper too, and there's no waste at all. Don't try that with a Big Mac.